Schoeps Stereo-Set MK 4 in vendita
Schopes stereo-set MK 4 “Cardioid” Con i set stereo della serie di microfoni modulari “Colette” Schoeps offre il loro bestseller in una valigetta di legno con capsule microfono accoppiato.
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Foto Schoeps Stereo-Set MK 4 in vendita
Schoeps Stereo-Set MK 4
The Schoeps Colette series is probably the most famous and long standing of the Schoeps microphone lineup. The Colette series is configured in two parts; the capsule and the amplifier tube. This configuration contains a pair of MK4 capsules and CMC6U microphone amplifiers. MK 4 cardioid microphone capsule is the go-to microphone for opera and concert singers. In saying this it has also found at home in studios and on stage for rock and pop artist who desire its natural, transparent character. Being a stereo pair this bundle is brilliant for recording acoustic instruments like guitar and piano
The Schopes stereo-set MK 4 has been a reference microphone for years in a wide variety of recording situations.
- Consisting of 2 paired SCHOEPS CMC 6 microphone amplifiers and 2 MK 4 cardioid capsules
- Includes 2x SG20 microphone clamps and 2x B5D windscreen in elegant wooden case
The MK 4 has been a reference microphone for years in a wide variety of recording situations.
Due to its transparent sound character and excellent attenuation of rear-incident sound, it reproduces sound sources very naturally. This has given the MK 4 a reputation as a universal “problem solver” even in difficult recording situations.
Its flat frequency response, and the constancy of its directional pattern for all frequencies, are the basis of the MK4’s sound quality. Even in the diffuse sound field its frequency response is flat, with a slight increase at 10 kHz compensating for high-frequency losses in the room.
Thus the sound image is transparent for direct-arriving sound, for sound arriving from the side, and for diffuse sound in the room (reverberation).
The MK 4 is a classic small-diaphragm microphone with all the advantages of this microphone type. Its frequency response and the consistency of its polar diagram from low to high frequencies are exemplary.
Like all SCHOEPS capsules, the MK 4 achieves its flat frequency response solely by its mechanical architecture, without any electronic filtering.
As a pressure gradient transducer, the MK 4 has a single diaphragm that is exposed to the sound from both the front and rear. The side sound inlets must therefore never be covered.
The “reach” (distance factor) of a classic cardioid such as the MK 4 is about 1.7 times that of an omnidirectional microphone. Thus even at greater distances from the sound source, direct sound can be obtained. The advantages of the MK 4 are shown especially when mixing several microphone signals – pickup of sound from the side is reduced in level but not subject to coloration.
At 90° the attenuation of the MK 4 is 6 dB, and at 180°, some 20 to 30 dB. Diffuse-incident sound is picked up 4.8 dB lower in level than front-arriving sound.
- flat frequency response
- very low harmonic distortion and noise
- works with 12V and 48V phantom power
- balanced, low-impedance output
- high suppression of interference on the microphone cable
- excellent protection against high-frequency radio interference with “RFI Shield”
- frequency-independent impedance
- signal transmission possible over very long cables
- reliable operation even with weak phantom power
- symmetrical, transformer- and capacitor-free output stage with a class-A amplifier
- above 20 kHz, the signal is attenuated for protection against interference in the ultrasonic range, e.g. through the ultrasonic autofocus of a film camera
The capsules of condenser microphones can’t be connected directly to microphone cables or inputs; a microphone amplifier is required in between. Thus a complete microphone of the Colette series comprises any of the twenty available types of capsules combined with an amplifier. The CMC 6 U is designed for standard 48- and 12-Volt phantom powering. Its circuitry recognizes the supply voltage and adjusts itself automatically. Its performance characteristics remain essentially the same either way; mainly, the difference is that the current drawn at 12 Volts is greater than at 48 Volts. However, the 12-Volt mode consumes less power and might be preferred for battery-powered recording.
The microphone amplifier is responsible for providing the necessary electric charge to the capsule, without which it would be unable to generate a signal. Since the capsule’s output signal is very weak (Hi-Z), it must be amplified. In order for the microphone’s output to cleanly reach the next stage in the signal chain, it must undergo balancing and impedance matching before transmission. The CMC 6 incorporates a balanced, direct-coupled class-A amplifier, yielding a low output impedance, high RF shielding, and minimal distortion
MK4 – Capsula microfonica cardioide
La MK 4 è la capsula Schoeps più venduta. Offre la massima qualità del suono, la risposta in frequenza piatta, la reiezione ottimale del suono posteriore e un pattern direzionale che rimane costante per tutta la gamma di frequenze audio. Nel campo sonoro diffuso mostra solo un lieve aumento della risposta intorno a 10 kHz; l’impressione sonora rimane priva di colorazione anche quando il suono arriva da tutti i lati contemporaneamente. L’impressione sonora è quindi priva di colorazione se il suono arriva alla parte anteriore o dai lati del microfono, così come per il suono diffuso (riverberazione) in una stanza.
Set microfono stereo universale
MK 4 “Cardioid” Con i set stereo della serie di microfoni modulari “Colette” Schoeps offre il loro bestseller in una comune valigetta di legno con capsule microfono accoppiato. La versione CMC 6 è inclusa come amplificatore. I microfoni sono universalmente applicabili e sono spesso utilizzati nella versione stereo come microfoni di supporto per il pickup dello strumento o per le registrazioni del coro. I morsetti per treppiedi associati sono in plastica morbida e antiscivolo e hanno una base metallica. Naturalmente il volume di fornitura comprende anche un parabrezza in materiale plastico espanso, che grazie alla sua struttura interna è molto più efficace di quello di prodotti di dimensioni comparabili.
Valore stimato del Microfono Schoeps Stereo-Set MK 4
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Schoeps Stereo-Set MK 4 | Condizioni Estetiche | Funzionamento |
Pari al Nuovo | Perfetto | |
2.700,00 € | non fatturabile |
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